Added on the 08/04/2020 22:07:24 - Copyright : AFPTV - First images
"I passed my baccalaureate!" shout some students as they run through the courtyard of the Lycée Voltaire in Paris, while others jump into each other's arms as they discover the results posted on the school's notice boards. IMAGES
Students block the entrance to the Lycee Rodin in the 13th arrondissement in Paris with rubbish bins on the eleventh day of mobilisation against the pension reform. IMAGES
Students block the entrance to Louis-Le-Grand high school in the 5th arrondissement of Paris, as part of the ninth day of demonstrations against the French government's pension reform. IMAGES
'High School Musical' star Vanessa Hudgens has apologised for her comments about the coronavirus pandemic after claiming she was "taken out of context".
Supporters of Zambian President Lungu hold a rally in Lusaka during a tense presidential race, which has been marked by clashes between rival supporters. The presidential election will take place on Thursday. IMAGES.