Added on the 17/06/2016 18:13:07 - Copyright : Viral Video Online
A video of an ostrich sprinting down the Federal Highway in Malaysia goes viral
Despite it nearly being 2020, people still have a soft spot for the 80s: and it's been revealed which 80s song has recently become the first music video of that decade to reach 1 billion views on Youtube!
Quatre astronautes sont enfermés dans un simulateur pour tester les effets psychologiques d'un voyage dans l'espace. Lorsqu'ils en ressortent finalement, après 400 jours qui ont vu leur état mental se dégrader, ils découvrent qu'on ne leur a pas tout dit sur cette mission de simulation...
Video of a cat rescue from a building ledge in Singapore becomes an internet sensation
A video showing two amateur filmmakers playing a flaming game of giant jenga goes viral
Supporters of Zambian President Lungu hold a rally in Lusaka during a tense presidential race, which has been marked by clashes between rival supporters. The presidential election will take place on Thursday. IMAGES.