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Brooklyn Bridge, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn downtown


Among Brooklyn’s finest sights are downtown, Brooklyn Bridge, and Brooklyn Heights, all visited in this video tour of Brooklyn, New York. If it were a separate city, Brooklyn would be fourth largest in the country, filled with interesting things to see. Downtown Brooklyn has seen a major transformation with construction of many new high-rise apartments and revitalization of the retail shopping areas. It is as exciting as any part of Manhattan, and is a more authentic urban experience. From downtown we walk through Brooklyn Heights to the Brooklyn Bridge, iconic symbol of the borough, spanning across the East River to Manhattan. Built in 1883 as the world’s longest suspension bridge, it stand tall and mighty today, one of the world’s great landmarks. From the bridge we take a lovely stroll along the Brooklyn Bridge Park, enjoying dramatic vistas of Lower Manhattan across the river (it’s not actually a river, but we all call it that). Then we enjoy another stroll through Brooklyn Heights, one of the most historic neighborhoods in the USA. The concentration of over 600 pre-Civil War houses is one of the largest collections of such housing in the nation, creating a human scale that still survives of lowrise buildings with a neighborly atmosphere. This is an affluent residential neighborhood with housing prices that have skyrocketed in recent decades. The Heights is one of New York City's most pleasant and attractive neighborhoods." http://tourvideos.com/

Added on the 30/03/2020 - Copyright : Tourvideos

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